Community: Enganging the broader communities

mom and pop farmsmushroomscommunity 01-04-2024

Our Goal

Sollluna Farms aim’s to provide a service to whatever community, or small town restaurant that would want to use Solluna farms fungi. Solluna Farms is proud to be serving a handful of restaurants, and local clients. Three neighborhood businesses are now served by Solluna Farms! There are several ways to sample these mushrooms if you are traveling through southern Oregon. C st Bistro was the name of the very first customer we had. Solluna farms will enhance the freshness of Italian dishes, including pizzas.

The Restaurants

Gorgis, which is located directly down the street, is the second location where you can sample Solluna Farms mushrooms. If you enjoy trying out local cuisine, you should definitely stop by this place as they serve a farm-to-table menu. Every meal they prepare is meticulously prepared. This is an excellent location to sample more of Solluna’s unique fungi. Alchemy Restaurant and Bar is the third place to try locally grown fungi in Oregon.

Another place that enjoys serving homemade, locally sourced food. The residents of Ashland and Talent, Oregon, love this. Solluna Farms’ farm-to-table menu makes this place even more worthwhile to visit and experience!


These small farms aim to introduce the world to the realm of fungi. We would love for every farm to work with neighborhood restaurants and customers so that the community could experience these incredible foods—which, when prepared properly, are absolutely delicious!

Author's photo


Passionate about anything and everything regarding mycology

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